Online Resources

One of the reasons I created this blog was because there aren't a lot of online sources talking about bonding and living with cats and rabbits together. So, here are listed some of the best ones I could find. If you know of others, please post them in the comments.

Cats and Rabbits - An article on the House Rabbit Society webpage, which is full of other useful rabbit info.

Buddies for Your Bunny - A quick overview on bonding rabbits with cats is included in this article.

How to Introduce Rabbits to Other Pets - The basic, stripped-down steps from

What do cats and rabbits have in common? - A quick list of similarities for those who don't know what to expect.

How are Rabbits Different from Cats & Dogs? - An overview from the Sacramento House Rabbit Society.

Is it bad for my bunny to snack on dog or cat food? - Answer from a vet on's Q&A

What types of litter should I use? - Why using clumping and clay cat litter could be DEADLY for your rabbit!

Rabbit Litter - More on how cat litter is a really bad idea for rabbits. Scroll down quite a bit to find this section.

FAQ: Housing - Rabbits don't have pads on their paws like cats, so the wire flooring in a cage can cut through a rabbit's feet! Learn more in this article on housing from the House Rabbit Society.

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