Two hops forward, one step back

Who remembers the Paula Abdul song, "Opposites Attract?" Or maybe I'm showing my age-- I was an all-out 80's kid!

Well, we are still in the introduction mode in our house for our cat meets rabbit story. Georgie the lionhead is still getting used to his new surroundings and prefers to stay in the playroom or hop into our bedroom to burrow under the bed. He's curious about us, especially my two kids, but he certainly hasn't started snuggling with us or with the kitty,  Pikachu.

BUT I haven't heard him thump at our cat in over a week! That's progress, right? Riiiighhht?

I'm continuing to read up on bunnies and cats and we are taking it slowly. We had to have a cat and bunny sitter last week when we were out of town, so I feel like we had to start over again with trust this week. But last night, Georgie gave me a kiss on the forehead after I gave him his mixed green salad. He then hopped away before I dared pet him, but again, I'll take it!

Onward and upward!



  1. I love Cats and Rabbits

  2. It always takes a little time for any animal to adjust to a new surrounding. I started with my Bun Bun, a polish dwarf bunny. Then I adopted 2 kittens, brother & sister. The 3 got along pretty well, usually playing with an occasional thump from Bun that sent cats running. Bun let me and them know when playtime was over. He was 14 years old when he passed. Cats were only 2. About a year later, I got a Chihuahua pup from a friend. The cats taught the dog how to "walk". My pets would walk with me down the street or to the beach/lakefront nearly every day. So cute! An FYI, as long as pets aren't fighting or acting overly aggressive, things should be just fine. Just give it time. Good luck to you and post updates.. Thank you. From Kim at

  3. I once kept my boss's rabbit, Snowball, for 3 weeks and I had a Siamese named Bill. I can't say Snowball and I ever became friends but boy he and Bill did. I let them ease into getting to know each other so I would be there to watch. They started cuddling together on the hassock; Bill taught him how to jump from the floor to the back of the couch to lay up high; taught him to hop up the stairs to my bedroom and showed Snowball how to jump from the floor to my bed 30 inches off the floor. I woke up one morning and there was two bedmates: Bill and Snowball (complete with Snowballs little ball droppings)...quite the morning I'd say but they really hit it off in just a few days...sit and watch!

  4. LOL! Such a great story. Thanks for sharing!

